Die US-Luftwaffe will im Jahr 2025 eine historische Anzahl von A-10-Flugzeugen auf den Friedhof schicken und damit die Abkehr von Warzenschweinen fortsetzen; Warum schicken wir sie nicht stattdessen in die Ukraine?
Get ready for the “you need air superiority to fly them” comments.
Because Ukraine doesn’t want them
Strip the guns out and send those to Ukraine, those creative MFers will undoubtedly find a good use for them.
Becouse its slow and heavy and the 30mm is a terrible close air support gun for this war
Can’t you guys see that the Biden Administration really does not want to finish this war? There are over 2500 Abrams in reserves not being used. We gave Ukranian 20. There are 600 Himars systems in the US and 486 in Poland. We gave Ukraine …. 6. The real question is what is really happening with the money that is supposed to go towards the Ukraine war. We are told that it does not go to Ukraine but replenish our US stockpile… I would love to see who’s pockets are getting filled. Show me the numbers. Also, fuk Trump…
Because they’d get annihilated the Russians actually have air defenses.
It’s getting tiring to explain such simple things
IMHO everything they could do with the A10, they can do with the F16 and more
Ukraine has no surplus of men, fuel or spare parts to operate such diverse aircrafts
It’s better to focus on a large amount of F16
Unifying logistics and training
Because the GOP consists of absolute inbred mongoloids that don’t support “tax dollars wasted” on foreign proxy wars while, you know, totally supporting a fascist state committing genocide and war crimes on the daily.
As low as they fly- would they not be susceptible to drones as well as AA at this point?