Kinder in den USA, die in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 geboren wurden, hatten bei fast allen Impfungen einen geringeren Impfschutz als die in den Jahren 2018 und 2019 geborenen Kinder. Finanzielle Hürden, Impfzögerlichkeit und impfbezogene Fehlinformationen müssen überwunden werden, um die Durchimpfungsrate zu erhöhen und vor durch Impfung vermeidbaren Krankheiten zu schützen


  1. Summary
    What is already known about this topic?

    The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices currently recommends routine vaccination against 15 potentially serious illnesses for children by age 24 months.

    What is added by this report?

    Estimated coverage with most childhood vaccines was lower among children born during 2020–2021 (during or after the height of the health care disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic) compared with those born during 2018–2019. Disparities by race and ethnicity, health insurance status, poverty status, and urbanicity persist. Coverage also varied widely by jurisdiction, especially for influenza vaccine.

    What are the implications for public health practice?

    Financial barriers, access issues, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine-related misinformation all need to be overcome to increase coverage, ensure full recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, eliminate disparities, and protect all children from vaccine-preventable diseases.

  2. Vaccines save lives of those worth saving. Can’t file vaccine denialists in that category. Harsh, I know. But sadly, the children of these muggins suffer.

  3. murdering_time on

    Solution: you can’t enroll your kid in kindergarten if they’re not vaccinated (I’m pretty sure this is already mandatory in a lot of states). If you want to keep your kid vaccine free, well you can also homeschool them. Don’t want unvaxed kids getting kids with compromised immune systems super sick just cause their parents are easily duped by misinformation.

  4. ClammyDefence on

    Jenny McCarthy and those two doctors who wrote that article can go straight to hell

    They have harmed countless people with their idiocy

  5. hearmeout29 on

    Unfortunately, it takes a loss of a child or the decimation of that child’s health for the hesitant to recognize the importance of childhood vaccination.

  6. Darwin at work. Vaccine refusal is *not* a survival adaptation; quite the opposite.

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