Braid: Liberale Partei, die sich weigert, Trudeau fallen zu lassen, ist auf dem Weg zum Schrotthaufen


  1. shiftless_wonder on

    >The Liberals of old, convinced of their immortality, had no patience for even the thought of losing, let alone disappearing.

    >Liberal Jean Chretien was the most successful prime minister since Pierre Trudeau. He won three majorities in a row between 1993 to 2003…

    >…But as time went on, the party figured Chretien was getting stale. Polls were weakening. Paul Martin, Chretien’s great rival, had been angling for months.

    >The torch had to pass. Ambitions, fundraising numbers and internal politics combined in a giant flushing mechanism.

    It’s getting almost bizarre that Liberals and JT won’t do what pretty much everybody knows they need to do. Is there some light treason involved? Why is the Prime Minister so desperate to remain Prime Minister when no one wants him to be Prime Minister anymore?

  2. Appropriate_Item3001 on

    Wrong. Canadian people love the carbon tax rebate. They will give Trudeau a super majority to retain it.

    Everything is better with Trudeau and if it isn’t it’s not his fault and it would have been worse with the conservatives.

    Once the liberals fix their messaging problem the polls will immediately improve. Plus. Canadians just need to be more grateful for everything the liberals are doing. They ended the labour shortage crisis. They helped us to not worry about money by taking it all from us.

  3. Similar_Dog2015 on

    Because they are not done lining their pockets as they know they will never have this opportunity again to fleece Canadians.

  4. Dumping Trudeau won’t do much of anything for the LPC in the next election. All of the ire for him just slides to his cabinet. And the CPC is polling so far ahead that the only way they don’t form government is if they do something really, really stupid in the next twelve months.

  5. MellowHamster on

    Even if the Liberals replace Trudeau, they’re still heading for defeat and whoever takes over as party leader is going down. Nobody in their right mind would want to replace him right now.

    The sad part is that Poilievre will win by default, and the man is yet another vapid career politician with a degree in academic basket weaving.

  6. Trudeau refusing to step down is the issue.

    He has not raised talent either or allowed anyone to become a natural successor.

    Freeland… she’d be even worse.

  7. No_Thing_2031 on

    .Shame on these people who voted to hide the truth . Above the law . We need some whistle blowers now.

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