Militär zu klein? Beginnen Sie mit der Einberufung in Country Clubs, Golfclubs, Ivy-League-Schulen und Luxushotels/Resorts

Von DarkSpaceCovenant


  1. DarkSpaceCovenant on

    Submission Statement: Why should working people be fighting in the banker wars? Those that caused the conflict and stand to gain the most from it, should fight in them. We should be prepared to fight and die while self-proclaimed elites hide in their luxurious bunkers?

  2. ChristopherRoberto on

    It’s a psyop. They want the English to accept putting the illegals in the military to avoid having to serve so they’ll be a well-armed military to use against the English. The same strategy is being run in the US [[1]]( [[2]](

  3. popularpragmatism on

    These twats really thinking working class people are going off to fight someone who has done them no harm, so they can keep privileges & dividends from the arms manufacturers.

    Conscription can start in London & the home counties & for all politicians’ children, it is mandatory. They need to set a good example after all

  4. BasketEvery4284 on

    Under threat from who/what?

    I’d never go to war for this country for so many reasons.

  5. show-me-the-numbers on

    why fight for a country that is replacing you with foreigners? 

  6. Until the Russians get to Calais, I’m not too bothered.

    They’re currently quite busy with the first 1/5th of Ukraine… At the rate they’ve been going, they should get to the UK in 25 years.

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