Viktor Orbáns politischer Direktor sagt, Ungarn hätte sich nicht gegen eine russische Militäraggression verteidigt

Von wut_x_O


  1. That’s exactly what they are waiting. The faster Ukraine gets conquered, the faster they can happily rejoin the motherland too.

  2. Abject-Investment-42 on

    Then they don’t need a membership in NATO and EU, and can just leave, right? Right?

  3. Fluid_Jellyfish9620 on

    Ah, it’s always the fun things my country gets into international news with…

  4. Basically begging for a repeat of 1956. Spoiler: Russia doesn’t like to share.

  5. jesterboyd on

    Kick them out of EU and NATO and we’ll put his ideas to the test.

  6. BobbyKonker on

    The people of Hungary need to wake up before it’s too late. Orban is a nationalist, not a Hungarian nationalist, but a Russian nationalist.

    When a country’s leadership says things like this it is treasonous and puts every man woman and child in the country in great danger.

    It is nothing more than a dog whistle to the Kremlin to come and conquer the country and supress its people.

  7. Horror_Asparagus9068 on

    They would just bend over and spread their cheeks for ruski aggression, weak minded cucks.

  8. MoHawK4010 on

    But of cause they wouldn´t , they love Russia! Traitors to The West and humanity! 🤬

  9. BigFreakingZombie on

    In 1956 the people of Hungary rose up to overthrow their Russian overlords,they failed in that goal but bloodied the Red Army just enough to allow Hungary to have a slightly less repressive socialist government compared to the rest of the Warsaw Pact (never mind the countries directly occupied by the USSR) . They showed the world that freedom from Russia can only be earned via the barrel of a gun…

    Yet 68 years later a member of their government explicitly says that where the same events to occur today they would welcome the enemy with open arms… It’s scary to see just how effective propaganda can be.

  10. LieverRoodDanRechts on

    Source? There are some people I’d like to share this with.

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