Irregeleitete TikToker nutzen KI, um die Reden von Adolf Hitler ins Englische zu übersetzen – und erzielen damit laut einem Bericht der Watchdog-Medien Millionen von Klicks auf der unter Beschuss stehenden Plattform.

Benutzer haben die Äußerungen des Naziführers unterstützt und sogar gefeiert. Dies stellt einen offensichtlichen Verstoß gegen die TikTok-Richtlinien dar, die „die Förderung (einschließlich Lobpreisung, Feier oder Weitergabe von Manifesten) oder die materielle Unterstützung von … Personen verbieten, die Serien- oder Massengewalt verursachen oder hasserfüllte Ideologien fördern.“ – Quelle

Von North902


  1. Worth-Confection-735 on

    Why would you stop people from seeing the rise to power of the biggest fascist and evil person in modern history, in their native tongue? I think a lot of us would be curious to see what he could possibly have said, to get an entire country’s support for heinous acts. Charisma was not Hitler’s downfall.

  2. TarTarkus1 on

    Censorious Political Partisans are the troubling trend. Not AI tiktok translations.

  3. Fit-Sundae6745 on

    They’re realizing the book “White Fragility” is the modern day Mein Kampf.

  4. Ok-Imagination-2308 on

    Check out “Oracle of Antiquity” on bitchute and youtube. They are translating all his speeches to English on there

    Also “The Nightingale” and “TimeUnveiled” on youtube has some of his stuff as well

    As well as “The Impartial Truth” on X

    In case anyone here is just wondering what the article is talking about obviously

    Edit: you can also read some of his speeches [Here]( and [here](

  5. AI-translated English language clips of Adolf Hitler’s speeches have been going viral on TikTok. Paired with popular music genres on the platform, these videos can game the algorithm and draw in millions of views. – [Newsweek](

    Video using voice cloning technology demonstrates what Adolf Hitler’s speeches would’ve sounded like in English. – [Source](

    Adolf Hitler Full Speech in English AI Reconstructed Audio “Freedom or Slavery” – [Source](

  6. Mental_Parfait_3138 on

    So they are translating what hitler said but are they praiseinf or celebrating him. It seems as if we aren’t allowed to hear what the boogeyman said which never made sense to me. It’s important to know what he said to at least recognize it in modern day so we can prevent it.

  7. Adept_Blackberry2851 on

    I made a post about hitler and his translated speech and got censored and the mods said my post was a threat to the whole sub.

    In the speech, he calls out the elite banking class, the Stock market, the illusory two-party system, the Globalists, an outsider minority forming a nation within a nation, hyperinflation, etc…. Blamed the Joos for everything. He claimed they were sneakily plotting world domination and were destabilizing countries from within. Promoting communistic ideals, promoting liberalism, hijacking the banks, controlling the media, and promoting the destruction of Christianity.

    Nonetheless, he should have never targeted jooish citizens, but rather the head of the snake being the Zionist elites.

  8. Maybe the powers that be are troubled because it’s very similar to what the people in charge are doing right now and they absolutely don’t want people to know this.

  9. Why not just have someone who speaks German translate? Are they fucking dumb or am I missing the point.

  10. One of the most discussed humans in all of history.

    Suddenly his speeches are presented in such a way that they become understandable to a huge amount of people.

    Of course curiosity bring in viewers.

    This isn’t because people agree with him.

    A Hitler speech in English is just very novel.

  11. fancrazedpanda on

    Could just be people wanting to hear the worlds greatest villain monologue, possibly a desire to prevent history repeating itself? Shit half of the clicks on the internet are hate clicked anyways.

  12. Evilnight007 on

    This sub has finally gone full Nazi, well done👎🏻👎🏻👍🏻

  13. AgnosticAnarchist on

    The real conspiracy is that Israel rewrote history and indoctrinated the world to believe Hitler was a supervillain. Israel is now the very thing they said Hitler was but yet the world praises them for their crimes.

  14. if Netenyahu can get a standing ovation by our congress and have his speeches televised to the entire nation, we should be able to watch historical translated records of other evil monster.

  15. Direct-Money-4206 on

    I’m troubled by innocent children dying in Palestine and now Lebanon.

  16. RobertNevill on

    History has taught us that when a social pendulum swings to the left it will, eventually, swing hard to the right. And no one is addressing this in a effective manner

  17. Top-Tomatillo210 on

    My grandparents fled War torn Europe post WW2. I am a Hindu convert and despise the NAZIs for their use of the hooked cross… with that said, man i can see how that bastard swayed a nation.

  18. popularpragmatism on

    So history is a troubling trend now?

    If you listen to them he sounds ridiculous, but it’s interesting to hear the actual words that go with the theatrical act

  19. Maybe if the western world had solved all the major problems that Hitler campaigned on, this wouldn’t be troubling. It would be the rantings of an old genocidal politician that wouldn’t apply to the modern world and thus not troubling.

    Alas we are cooked

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