Donald J. Trump: „Der Iran bedroht mein Leben massiv. Das gesamte US-Militär beobachtet und wartet. Der Iran hat bereits Schritte unternommen, die nicht funktioniert haben, aber sie werden es erneut versuchen. Für niemanden eine gute Situation. Ich bin von mehr Männern, Gewehren und Waffen umgeben, als ich jemals zuvor gesehen habe. Danke.“
Big threats on my life by Iran. The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before. Thank you…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2024
Von Orangutan
Lying about 9/11. JFK. Jan. 6th. And now thinks Iran is behind the attempted assassinations. The show must go on.
Back on Twitter by the way and selling some coins with his face on them.
Wait till you learn they’ve wanted the entire Middle East for decades now. Final country they haven’t been able to find cause to go into is, you guessed it, Iran. Hope y’all are ready for a fight.
Yeah, I’m going to believe the current US government wants to protect Trump.
oh lol so it was iran … is this the twin towers of 2024 to justify another decade of death. whats new with the world. nothing really changes
What a shit show. Yall really think this is going to be just another election? I sure as shit don’t
What a bunch of theater
MAGA people and democrats have a lot in common.
They keep believing their politicians
The ego on this guy. You would think this was from the mouth of a medieval monarch.
People call Trump a terrorist, but don’t stop for a second to wonder why actual terrorists don’t want him to be president again.
He’s blaming Iran for the assasination attempt?
Anyone with an actual working brain would know it’s not Iran……?
Many people that support Trump are emotional and very defensive of him.
This would be a good way for TPTB to get the public to support a war with Iran.
Sounds to me like you need to drop out and retire… old man.