\~:text=Finland%20is%20the%20European% 20Land,diese%20in%20anderen%20EU%20Länder.

    Ich schreibe Ihnen, um meine dringende Besorgnis über die sich rapide verschlechternde Drogensituation in Finnland zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Jeden Tag sehe ich große Gruppen von Drogenkonsumenten, von Teenagern bis zu Erwachsenen, die offen im öffentlichen Raum Drogen konsumieren und damit handeln. Dies ist nicht auf bestimmte Bereiche beschränkt – sie laufen zwischen Schulen, Kindergärten und Parks herum, verursachen ernsthafte Probleme und machen diese Umgebungen unsicher. Sie stehlen häufig in Lebensmittelgeschäften und hängen sowohl drinnen als auch draußen herum und stören sowohl Käufer als auch Mitarbeiter. Diese ständige Präsenz ist beunruhigend und es fühlt sich an, als ob niemand mehr Ruhe an diesen öffentlichen Orten finden kann. Finnland hat mittlerweile eine der höchsten Raten drogenbedingter Todesfälle in Europa, insbesondere unter jungen Menschen unter 25 Jahren. Im Jahr 2021 gab es 287 drogenbedingte Todesfälle, die höchste jemals im Land verzeichnete Zahl. Doch trotz dieses alarmierenden Trends scheinen die Polizei oder das Parlament wenig zu unternehmen, um diese Krise einzudämmen. Ich fühle mich in meinem eigenen Land nicht mehr sicher und fordere die Behörden auf, sofortige Schritte zu unternehmen, um dieses Problem anzugehen. Es ist Zeit für strengere Maßnahmen und effektivere Drogenpräventionsprogramme, bevor noch mehr Menschenleben verloren gehen und die öffentliche Sicherheit weiter abnimmt. Dieses Land verwandelt sich in einen zombieartigen Staat. Die Menschen werden häufig belästigt und schaffen so eine feindselige und unsichere Umgebung. So etwas wie das, was in Finnland passiert, habe ich noch nie erlebt. Das Ausmaß des öffentlichen Drogenkonsums, insbesondere in sichtbaren Bereichen wie Parks, Schulen und Straßen, ist alarmierend. Dieses Problem scheint hier schwerwiegender zu sein als anderswo in Europa und erzeugt ein beunruhigendes und unsicheres Gefühl.

    Finland, the happiest country in the world with most young people dying from drugs in Europe
    byu/69WonderBoy69 inFinland

    Von 69WonderBoy69


    1. JerryDidrik on

      Absolutely not the happiest country in the world and haven’t been for a long while.

    2. Global_Exercise_7286 on

      > I have never witnessed anything quite like what is happening in Finland.

      Have you ever left Finland? It’s so chill compared to basically any Western European country. Let’s not even mention the US

    3. I’m not finnish, I just love your country and went on vacation there many times.

      What is it though with the global surge in drug consumption ? It’s the same in France (only in certain areas for now). As for the US and Russia, don’t even get me started.

      What is happening in society that so many people from so many places and background feel the urge to use psychoactive substances (not just recreatively, but to the point of being fuckin wasted on the sidewalk every day)? Man, this is sad

    4. pinzinella on

      Don’t worry, our current goverment aims to cut at least 130 million euro from mental health and substance abuse aid social services by 2027! Thus preventative and crisis work will be even more difficult to get in the future and these urban landscapes showing sad reality will become even more common. They’re extremely shortsighted savings that will become gravely expensive in the future for Finnish society.

    5. Von_Lehmann on

      Lol what….I’m sorry but you have to be fucking kidding. You have never seen anything as bad as Finland?

      I’m from Cape Cod, MA….everyone I know has lost people to opioids. The HBO documentary Heroin: Cape Cod featured my high-school.

      I just got back from San Francisco and THAT is something I have never seen. I have lived and worked in some of the poorest countries on the planet and I have never seen misery or substance abuse like that.

    6. “I have never witnessed anything quite like what is happening in Finland.”

      Have you ever been in a large American city such as LA?

      I’m curious to know what part of Finland you’re experiencing, because I’ll admit I may be biased based on where I live and what hours of the day I wander around in public, but the worst I’ve seen is a drunk tryig to be chatty.

    7. DoubleSaltedd on

      I bet those addicts and narcs don’t bother when phone interviewer calls and asks for their happiness for research purposes.

      Finland has huge drug problem and it is in front of everyone’s eyes in Helsinki. But majority people just don’t care and tolerate it.

    8. FastObjective9282 on

      What the hell is Helsinki Herald? And euronews is essentially owned by Orbán. Top journalism there clearly. 🙄

    9. Lumpy_Argument_1867 on

      Finland lives next to a narco state “sweden” and the country is getting flooded by all sorts of drugs.. sadly, not much can be done until sweden sorts out their drug gangs

    10. radiopelican on

      Can’t be in Tampere. We removed the bench that they’re sitting on outside of Prisma Hämeenkatu.

      Good luck everyone else.

    11. Anyone who lives in Finland and actually advocates or believes in it being the happiest country on earth is lying to themselves and in turn lying to everyone else. Finland is indeed a country of massive problems with addiction. Its also the reason why it is the happiest country on earth, the statistics are based of people who seek help, Finnish people do not seek help, especially not men, because Finland and its men still have a cave man mentality, as is shown often, here on reddit.

      There are however, much worse places in the world. But Finland is far from #1 on the happy list.

    12. Literally from the introductory note of the source cited:

      >The reader should also be aware that
      monitoring patterns and trends in a hidden and stigmatised behaviour like drug use is
      both practically and methodologically challenging. For this reason, multiple sources of
      data are used for the purposes of analysis in this report. Caution is therefore required in
      interpretation, in particular when countries are compared on any single measure.

      This is not dissimilar to comparing sexual violence statistics from Sweden and Hungary and coming to the conclusion that Hungary is the safer country.

    13. FentEnjoyer619 on

      >Every day, I see large groups of drug users, ranging from teenagers to adults, openly using and dealing drugs in public spaces.

      Where the fuck you are hanging out?

    14. Potential_Place_6443 on

      It’s for the same reasons as to why we have such a strong drinking culture.

    15. It’s crazy that you seem to imply that, while our relatively strict drug laws have failed, we need more police control instead of actually addressing the root problem. We need more mental health workers, not more police.

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