Kann irgendjemand logisch erklären, warum wir allerlei üble Scheiße über Christen und Muslime reden dürfen, aber nicht über Juden?

    Von SinanOganResmi


    1. SinanOganResmi on

      SS: I am an ex-Jew from Iran who lives in Turkey, and I really wanna know. Since I converted to Islam, I’ve received **all** sorts of insults from people even on Reddit. Even Reddit admins dont give an F about attacks on Muslims and Christians except when it happens to people who believe in Judaism.

    2. Graphicism on

      You can critique Christians or Muslims freely because they don’t hold global power.

      However, discussions around certain influential groups, like those given protection and land, are far more sensitive.

      Similarly, you can criticize figures like Donald Trump or Kamala Harris individually, but suggesting deeper collaboration raises red flags.

      Certain topics are off-limits, and getting too close to the truth often comes with consequences.

    3. HoodHermit on

      Elon bows to Israel. The largest US government contractor plays the same game they all do

    4. Altruistic-Ebb-6681 on

      Basically, roughly 80 years ago there was a thing called the holocaust, which was the murder of roughly 6 million Jewish people by the Nazis, a regime which was notorious for hating Jews, not even for their religion but just because they were Jews ethnically. Ever since the fall of that regime and the end of the holocaust, any critique of Jews and Judaism is seen in a negative light because it’s associated with Nazis.

    5. graywailer on

      because israel is the real U.S. government. ever hear of AIPAC? overthrew the U.S. government. almost every congressman is an isreali agent. as is 2 of the presidential candidates.

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