Biden droht mit einer Änderung der US-Politik, falls Netanjahu es versäumt, die Zivilbevölkerung im Gazastreifen zu schützen


  1. Formal_Star_6593 on

    Israel doesn’t give a shit about civilians. The food aid convoy was directly targeted. It WAS NOT A MISTAKE.

    War crimes. Crimes against humanity. This is Israel, make no mistake about it.

  2. macross1984 on

    Threaten but most likely will not follow through because if Biden really meant it he would have just told Netanyahu of change in policy.

  3. wereallbozos on

    Do something, sir. Israel will survive without the next boatload of bombs and jets.

  4. Ppl who jade this should recognize that this is huge. US has been the main benefactor of the state of Israel. If it’s policy changes, Israel would’ve a lot to lose.

    Bibi might screw Israel for his personal political ambitions, just like Trump did, but the long-term implications of this geopolitical shift will be felt by generations.

  5. ShoppingDismal3864 on

    Look at this. Real life effects of American voices. This isn’t a time to be cynical (well at least, not on this particular headline). He is actually taking some action- even if you think he’s not going far enough or not, this is a real shift in voice.

    That’s a good thing.

  6. It’s just threats, we need actual change and idk how we will do that. It sucks feeling helpless at home

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