3 Monate Jobsuche in Australien. 6 Jahre einschlägige Branchenerfahrung, aber neu auf diesem Markt. Ich arbeite in einer Branche, in der etablierte Beziehungen stark im Vordergrund stehen, und mein größtes Hindernis war der Mangel an lokalen Kontakten.

    Von WooIlyMammoth


    1. Human-Individual-36 on

      Four rounds of interviews?!?!!? Two is my limit.

      Glad you got your job!

    2. addictedtomeme on

      Bro, if you’re looking for a remote job, I just came across a really effective method yesterday that might help you. Basically, you find recruitment firms and HR departments on Google Maps and send them your resume in bulk. I read that this person received many offers this way ([https://www.reddit.com/r/RemoteJobseekers/comments/1fdpeg2/how_i_landed_multiple_remote_job_offers_my_remote/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemoteJobseekers/comments/1fdpeg2/how_i_landed_multiple_remote_job_offers_my_remote/)). If you’re not searching for remote jobs, you can still use this strategy by finding companies in your area where you could work, making a nice list, and sending them your resume in bulk.

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