JD Vance hat gerade seine Familie verraten, um Trump und Laura Loomer zu verteidigen



    1. He’d sell his own mother if he thought it would get him into the big chair.

    2. JeffSteinMusic on

      …and? Dude began his career by selling out his home turf and it wasn’t even his home turf. Idk how many times we need to re-re-re-re-confirm that he’s a shameless scumbag.

      After a while it’s like reporting that there’s yet another podcast where he insulted single women. Who still needs convincing who’s convincible?

      Sometimes this feels like the old adage about someone being waterboarded 186 times – “What were you expecting to get big picture on the 186th time that you didn’t already have by the 185th time?”

    3. inbetween-genders on

      I have a feeling that his better half is as terrible as he is.

    4. …and he dropped in fried chicken as part of his response. WTAF time are we living in, wow.

    5. armchairmegalomaniac on

      This guy isn’t smart enough to understand how much he’s fucking up his life right now.

    6. edit: the context is just too good

      > Look, Kristen, I make a mean chicken curry. I don’t think it’s insulting for anyone to talk about their dietary preferences or what they want to do in the White House.

      Not a bad start there. Of course now he’s going to pivot to policy, right?

      > Kamala Harris is running for president, and whether you’re eating curry at your dinner table or fried chicken, things have gotten more expensive thanks to her policies.

      Can he speak without putting his foot in his own mouth? Does it ever actually come out of there?

    7. thejamielee on

      There is so much exhaustion and frustration in his tone these days bc that man is literally having to comment on every new dumpster fire trump and his circle creates. He must feel like Trumps continuing list of former legal council who were continually being given surprise after surprise in the middle
      of court lol. This is the bed you fucking made moron, deal with it.

    8. Accomplished-Head449 on

      This clown calls her a non-white.. tell us how you really feel

    9. ranchoparksteve on

      You just know JD Vance’s in-laws have had to fake excitement, for years now, over JD’s Vermont Curry (mild).

    10. shelbys_foot on

      Until Vance came along, I didn’t think I’d see a worse VP candidate than Sarah Palin in my lifetime.

    11. >“Do I agree with what Laura Loomer said about Kamala Harris? No, I don’t,” Vance continued. “I also don’t think that this is actually an issue of national import. Is Laura Loomer running for president? No. Kamala Harris is running for president, and whether you’re eating curry at your dinner table or fried chicken, things have gotten more expensive thanks to her policies.”

      >It’s worth noting that not only is Vance’s response pathetic, but he also manages to incorporate racist stereotypes about the food eaten by both of Harris’s cultures: Indian people and Black people.

    12. ImLikeReallySmart on

      This guy starts every response with “Look” or “First of all” and has the same cadence in every sentence he speaks, it’s really unnerving how calculated he is.

      Except when he’s talking with real people.

      >“Look, Laura Loomer is not affiliated with the Trump campaign. **She said something about curry in the White House that I first read about this morning because I knew you would ask me about it,**”

      This doesn’t even make sense. “I didn’t know about X until I read about X because I knew you’d ask me about X”. I don’t even know where to start with that.

    13. FanDry5374 on

      Another one of those medical curiosities so common in the Republican party. A human standing upright, un-aided, yet having no discernible spine. Amazing.

    14. this_my_sportsreddit on

      What this sub needs to understand is that Usha agrees with JDs response. Usha isn’t an undercover democrat or unwilling participant. She shares her husband’s values, if we can even call them that.

    15. ChuckeeSue on

      I haven’t read a single good thing about JD Vance. Everything I read is more and more damning for him. This pathetic piece of shit guy thinks he is Vice Presidential material LOL!!!

    16. time_drifter on

      _“You asked about Laura Loomer. Look, Laura Loomer is not affiliated with the Trump campaign. She said something about curry in the White House that I first read about this morning because I knew you would ask me about it,” Vance said. **“Look, Kristen, I make a mean chicken curry.** I don’t think it’s insulting for anyone to talk about their dietary preferences or what they want to do in the White House._

      He may be objectively dumber than Eric Trump, who will trick-or-treat as the Red Power Ranger.

      _“Do I agree with what Laura Loomer said about Kamala Harris? No, I don’t,” Vance continued. “I also don’t think that this is actually an issue of national import. **Is Laura Loomer running for president? No. Kamala Harris is running for president**, and whether you’re eating curry at your dinner table or fried chicken, things have gotten more expensive thanks to her policies.”_

      I don’t recall Hunter Biden running for president either, ottoman molester.

    17. Gariona-Atrinon on

      Taking bets on how long it takes for her to file for divorce once Trump loses.

    18. Hosni__Mubarak on

      I love how he managed to infer that Haitians are really into fried chicken because they are black.

      He somehow managed to be extra racist while still fucking up who he was trying to be racist against.

    19. Casperboy68 on

      J.D. Vance has the common sense of a raw potato. He should call Dan Quayle for advice.

    20. thelightstillshines on

      >No. Kamala Harris is running for president, and whether you’re eating curry at your dinner table or fried chicken, things have gotten more expensive thanks to her policies.”

      My guy you had the perfect political response of “I don’t agree with it but it doesn’t matter because Lauro Loomer is not a part of the campaign blah blah” but you couldn’t think of any example other than *fried chicken*? Racist shithead.

    21. Fickle-Molasses-903 on

      JD Vance *Pats his kid’s heads. ‘But you’re one of the good ones.’

    22. flirtmcdudes on

      Guys, she’s married to him. She knows he’s a soulless prick that will do or say anything, don’t feel bad for her.

      It’s silly people act like she doesn’t know exactly who he is, or isn’t just like him.

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