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From the article
>A leading researcher on the impact of AI on climate, Luccioni participated in 2020 in the creation of a tool for developers to quantify the carbon footprint of running a piece of code. “CodeCarbon” has since been downloaded more than a million times.
>Head of the climate strategy of startup Hugging Face, a platform for sharing open-access AI models, she is now working on creating a certification system for algorithms.
>Similar to the program from the US Environmental Protection Agency that awards scores based on the energy consumption of electronic devices and appliances, it would make it possible to know an AI product’s energy consumption in order to encourage users and developers to “make better decisions.”
>”We don’t take into account water or rare materials,” she acknowledges, “but at least we know that for a specific task, we can measure energy efficiency and say that this model has an A+, and that model has a D,” she says.
I’m not sure the average person thinks twice about using AI, other than the fact that it’s being relentlessly shoved down their throat at every opportunity. Either way, most likely not voluntary.
How about you leave my AI neko goth gf alone and instead think twice about letting billionaires fly a private jet about as often as they have bowel movements?
Being as I don’t like AI and I get annoyed that my search engines always try to send me to their AI overlords, I’d say that I am doing my part for the planet.
Because crypto mining, among other things, is totally fine.
>According to the International Energy Agency, the combined AI and the cryptocurrency sectors consumed nearly 460 terawatt hours of electricity in 2022 — two percent of total global production.
[This statement is inaccurate](https://www.iea.org/reports/electricity-2024/executive-summary):
>Electricity consumption from **data centres**, artificial intelligence (AI) and the cryptocurrency sector could double by 2026. Data centres are significant drivers of growth in electricity demand in many regions. After globally consuming an estimated 460 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2022, data centres’ total electricity consumption could reach more than 1 000 TWh in 2026. This demand is roughly equivalent to the electricity consumption of Japan. Updated regulations and technological improvements, including on efficiency, will be crucial to moderate the surge in energy consumption from data centres.
I could not find where the IAE does a breakdown of what the consumption is for data centers verses AI verses cryptocurrency. But given the headline, it’s misleading to attribute all of this energy consumption to AI.
The IAE is really talking about energy consumption from data centers, so it’s also sort of ridiculous of them to specifically callout AI and cryptocurrency without breaking down how large a factor those are in overall data center consumption.
I see we are still forcing the burdens of climate change on the individual.
This is like watching companies dump waste into lakes and oceans and choosing to look over this dumping to shame a guy using a straw in his drink and blaming him for climate change.
> think twice about using AI.
yeah, that’ll solve the problem.
The brain is the most metabolically active organ in the body and produces ~3mg CO2 per second. If you care about the environment, think twice about thinking twice.
Conversely, if you have any anxiety about AI and cryptocurrency, you should support carbon taxes as a fairly enforceable way to brake the growth of these technologies. As a bonus, the environment will benefit.
Yes, me using chatgpt is worse than swift using her private plane.
It’s from France, qui dont need to give any attention to it
Shouldn’t this be a warning to the corporations that are implementing it. It’s not the every day person’s fault
Please tell me to eat the bugs private jet owners, I know you send planes to pick up your coffee but I’m sure my drive to work is the real issue.
Celebrities fly around in private jets every week for superfluous reasons but I can’t use ChatGPT to help me at work?
What we need to think twice about using is carbon-polluting sources of energy. This wouldn’t be an issue at all if ai used only renewable energy sources.
Nothing about AI obligates the use of fossil fuels.
This is just one more reason to write your legislators to support renewable energy adoption. Automation is inevitable. We should he reforming our energy industry rather than limiting our tech development and adoption.