Zeit für einen neuen Million Man March und eine neue politische Partei

Von Ok_Investment4623


  1. Ok_Investment4623 on

    Submission Statement: Billy Carson was right. They got us fighting over the bread crumbs. Left vs Right. Capitalism vs Socialism. The Central Banker Families control all, including Capitalism and Communism and Socialism and whatever other ism. They run it all. Rockefeller praised his puppet Mao in a NY Times editorial after genociding 50 million. Is Rockefeller a Communist? They’re whatever suits their interests at any given time in any given area. Any version of Capitalism and Communism and Socialism we see today is not pure and is controlled by the banking elites. Meant to enslave us. Either capitalism or socialism could work (or a hybrid system), depending on who is running it. We have evil families running things. We must cut them out of our society economically, take money out of politics

  2. “For any reason” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

    The world doesn’t really function well with absolutes. Neither do most of the people that might be attracted to this type of gathering, in other parts of their lives.

  3. Neonbelly22 on

    The left will never agree to the top, I think…since they are mostly conservative talking points

    But if anyone disagrees with the bottom, idk what to say

  4. timebomb011 on

    Poor americans. They used to have a free country. Feel bad for that 3rd world gun zone

  5. Inthewind69 on

    The People have the power. We just need to get along , don’t listen to the BS the news and governments are feeding us.

  6. Heeey_Hermano on

    The top sounds like MAGA talking points. I don’t disagree with them, but abortion should be in there if you want body autonomy.

  7. GoAheadHateMe on

    Not agreeing with this list in entirety but will say limiting $ per citizen for political donations is great but a flat amount will always need adjusting and does not distribute equally.

    Instead make it a factor of minimum wage. 4 hours = half a days work. That’s fair. Start there. But can everyone give up Half days worth of wages comfortably? Then it’s fair.

  8. JacoPoopstorius on

    It sure would be nice. Not to be discouraging, but yeah. It would be nice….but, I mean…

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