Präsident Selenskyj erklärt, warum die Ukraine dringend eine Genehmigung für den Einsatz von Langstreckenraketen in Russland benötigt

    Von Exotic-Strawberry667


    1. kingmitch84 on

      You can see and hear the frustration in him. Hopefully Ukraine is allowed off the leash and finish that little Kremlin gremlin once and for all. Write to your local politicians with support for Ukraine’s right to defend itself properly.

    2. OMFG I can only imagine… This is very telling, what the FUCK are we giving warning to fucking russia, to move their shit for when “we” eventually decide to make a decision(that’s probably still restricted somewhat!)🤬🤬. I am so sorry to all the Ukrainians needlessly in harms way furthermore because of political b/s

    3. StatisticianRoyal400 on

      Damn, so Biden STILL won’t allow them to do it. No wonder Putin supports Harris. If the war continues with the US holding Ukraine’s hands behind their back, he can continue to genocide Ukrainians while they actively assist.

    4. Comrade281 on

      There was no asking for permission about kursk, think of a better way to sway the allies than this particular tactic. Better yet just fire and don’t say anything.

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