Europa: Wie groß wäre Ihre Bereitschaft, einem anderen Land in einer Krise zu helfen?

    Von mypasswordisntyet


    1. LiePsychological7696 on

      For the curious, the only countries that would be willing to help the UK out are Poland (+12), Denmark (+16), Romania (+6), and Sweden (+7). The UKs willingness to help out these countries in turn are +26 (Poland), +25 (Denmark), +8 (Romania), and +20 (Sweden). Only the UK, Poland, and Romania are willing to help out all other european countries.

    2. No_Rock_6976 on

      Depends on what helping entails.

      I would only help Belgium if we get Flanders back.

    3. Why the fuck United Kingdom is mostly on negative on these slides? What is the source of this survey? Don’t worry Britain, we would help you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Greetings from Poland.

    4. I think the British wouldn’t help Lithuania out, not due to some political spite, but because they’ve probably never heard of the country before

    5. Chevillette on


      There’s literally no source and no date on this picture! This isn’t r/MapPorn !

    6. SectionOk1275 on

      I love how UK is willing to help everyone but no one wants to help UK.

    7. UK and Romania: “we want to help everybody as best we can”

      Finland: “fuck every last one of you bitches”

    8. Funnyanduniquename1 on

      There’s no way British people would help Romania over Finland, Spain or Germany.

    9. as Portuguese I am delighted to help Spain, especially if there’s a espanholada to come to me

    10. And that’s why we need the EU.

      Without it we would not help each other in a crisis, we would be fighting each other for scraps.

    11. Uk: I’m willing to help everyone in Europe in a bad situation


    12. The duality of man:
      – No one willing to help UK, UK wanting to help anyone
      – Everyone willing to help Italy, Italy not wanting to help anyone

    13. Shoddy-Ability524 on

      It’d be interesting to see the source and methodology for this map. 

      I find it hard to believe British people have an irrational hatred for Finland, but don’t mind Romania. You never hear anyone talking about Finland but it’s not unheard of to hear the odd comment on Romanian migrants.

    14. Horrible wording. I think most Europeans would react overwhelmingly to humanitarian crisis anywhere.

      But to ask a Romanian to aid German banks in a crisis is a whole different thing.

      The EU is complicated, I don’t like it simplified to “at least we are united in hating on those Brits, huh?”

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