Alt vs. Neu (was gefällt Ihnen besser)

Von LordSwagAlot6969


  1. SpanishGarbo on

    I personally prefer when they’re brand new and the paper is stiff. Makes it feel like it’s worth more.

  2. 2PetitsVerres on

    If you give it to me, I prefer the two in the top row. If I have to give it to you, the bottom ones.

  3. The new ones are a big improvement. The old ones had less vibrant colours and they just left the left part blank like they didn*t even care. Also the new ones are an improvement for blind people.

    Still a far cry from what other courrencies achieve – just look at Swiss Francs for great personalities and awesome design.

  4. Windows and doorways are meant to symbolize openness and cooperation. Yet they shut the doors/windows on the 50-euro banknote. Coincidence or a sign of changing circumstances?

  5. SlothySundaySession on

    New because I believe in progress, the curve is nicer, and you can see the added security applied in the notes. My only gripe is they don’t fit in my wallet, too fat.

  6. MercantileReptile on


    If they’re ever considering a whole new series of designs, would be great to have some portraits again. Or artwork. Or really anything but nondescript, boring architecture.

  7. ArsonBjork on

    The new one have better color but the number in the corner is the same fontsize as grandma has on her phone

  8. wellthatshim on

    old is better. new ones feels like “50” of anything. old banknotes are also more aesthetic than their new versions.

  9. Blurghblagh on

    Maybe the old ones are just a little faded but the new seem brighter and more colourful. Also like the bigger building images.

  10. BrutallyHonestPOS on

    I think they did a really good job. While both versions are obviously different and you can clearly point out differences, my brain would register both versions as the same note without thinking about it. There is enough going on on each note that my brain just mixes the impression together into a “yea this is a X euro note”.

    It would probably have taken me years to realize that multiple versions are circulating, if i was not actively made aware of the switch.

  11. AmpovHater on

    prefer the cleaner design on the older bills, owed to the empty space on the left side

  12. New ones are much better, they have a more robust material. Old ones would be damaged easily. I also like the more intense colors.

  13. bohemian29 on

    The old ones as they were the original series at least i felt a great pride of having a common currency just 13 years after the fall of communism and was very hopeful that EU will be the new leader of free world, thus they fill me with nostaligia of the world that could have been

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