Seltenes Video russischer Sperrtruppen im Einsatz

    Von Interesting-Bid-2771


    1. Interesting-Bid-2771 on

      One of the rare moments of retreat-blocking detachment evidence in Russian army that was captured and published by occupiers themselves.

      Russian fighter with callsign “Butcher” receives an order by radio to “move the group forward”, and if they disobey – “he knows what to do with them”.

      The cameraman, another Russian fighter, explains that it means to nullify, to shot.

      Episode happened in 60th motorized brigdade of 5th CAA (military unit 16871, Primorsky Krai) near Zavitne Bazhannia village, Donetsk Oblast.

      Occupiers decided to publish this video after the cameramen was reported missing for month since the episode happened.

    2. CantaloupeCamper on

      There’s a story about how during WWII when Germany first invaded Russia the local Russian troops were caught unprepared.

      A Russian solider got on the radio and radioed they were under attack / being invaded. He was chastised over the radio for spreading panic…

    3. Somebody do a geolocation so russians can’t claim it’s a ukranian fabrication

    4. Federal_Thanks7596 on

      No way that’s real. If Russia was actually using barrier troops, such a video would never make it online. Call sign “butcher” lmao.

    5. Looks like the attacking squad was pinned down or had too low moral to advance. And the radio man knows that they were sitting ducks at the moment and if they will not move, drones will fuck them (he mentiones “baba-yaga” drone class) . So in this case his order was harsh but hard to say what else to do in such tactical situation, where low moral of certain soldiers can lead to the loss of whole squad.

    6. DevinviruSpeks on

      I believe Russia uses barrier troops, but I’m not sure how genuine this footage is. The incoming radio chatter saying “you know what to do” and the cameraman explaining what he means seemes forced. Wouldn’t surprise me either way.

    7. wankeraddict69 on

      So they have 3 options:

      1. Exit the trench, move forward and face the Ukrainian fire

      2. Stay in the trench to avoid enemy fire at the expense of being attacked by a drone

      3. Do nothing and be shot by “Butcher”.

      Choices, choices…

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