Eine Klasse mit 20 Schülern einer Londoner Privatschule, die 35.000 Dollar pro Jahr kostet, wird dieses Jahr keinen menschlichen Lehrer haben. Sie werden nur von einer KI unterrichtet.


1 Comment

  1. lughnasadh on

    Submission Statement

    I suspect many people might find these facts incongruous. After all, if you can afford $35K per year for your kid’s education – surely you want the best human teachers that money can buy. Isn’t it more likely we’ll see human teacher job cuts in public schools while fobbing off the pupil’s with AI – a second-rate option for the poors and peons?

    What’s much more likely is that AI Teachers and AI Doctors are going to be the best we’ve ever had. No human, not even the parents of only children, can lavish the time, expertise, and attention AI will give your child.

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