Kanada weist angesichts zunehmender einwanderungsfeindlicher Stimmung mehr Ausländer ab



    1. midnightmoose on

      Justin Trudeau has broken the national consensus on immigration and that will be his legacy.

    2. beerswillinidiot on

      More like ‘amid a realization tanking poll numbers are here to stay.

      He never gave a fuck what we thought.

    3. Alchemy_Cypher on

      First they shipped good jobs abroad, now they brought the cheap labour here.

    4. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

      2022: 1 million+ net migrants.

      2023: 1.2 million+ net migrants.

      “anti-immigration sentiment”

      It is anti-extremely high immigration sentiment. What other country grew[ 3.2% last year because of migration](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240327/dq240327c-eng.htm)? Hell, how many countries grew 3.2%? Chad, Oman, Syria, Tokelau, South Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Somalia, Central African Republic, Niger, Mayotte, DR Congo.

    5. > At the same time, the number of approved study and work permits dropped. And in July, Canada refused entry to nearly 6,000 foreign travellers, including students, workers and tourists – the most since at least January 2019

      At this rate, we are refusing 6000 x 12 = 72k applications. However, last year, the international students already contributed to a 1000k increase in population. Without knowing the number of approved applications, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about whether the decrease is significant.

    6. Educational-Train-15 on

      Its not “Anti-immigration” get a grip. Its called pro sustainable infrastructure. For Canadians and the Immigrants who live in Canada already .

      These media companies aren’t pro immigration or anti immigration .. They’re just pro societal collapse it seems .. They would rather appear virtuous Vs supporting a whole countries future , having 2 generations of Canadians housed with jobs.

      I’m tired of media outlets constantly standing in hard defense of the things that are destroying everyone’s lives lol.

      We should make articles called : Anti-Human sentiment on the rise in Social Media !!

      Seriously. What out of touch jerks these people are.

    7. NateFisher22 on

      Nice phrasing. We can’t fucking sustain it, that’s what the problem is. Canadians don’t want children because it’s too expensive, so their solution is to just import people into cheap labour pools and let homegrown companies make record profits. More like anti governments view on immigration sentiment

    8. Empty_Tank_3923 on

      When you realize that in some part of the country like in Brampton more than 80% of the population is a visible minority, not hard to understand why. I guess this can be referred to as visible majority. And if you look at the data it’s dis proportionally from a very specific ethnic group. The next one doesn’t even come close.

      This just is a problem when the minority becomes the majority(saying this myself as an immigrant from a visible minority group).

    9. Better headline: Canada is turning away immigrants after significant abuse of the system, improper vetting, and an already massive population increase leading to lower quality-of-life.

    10. MikeAllen646 on

      It’s not a sentiment against immigration or immigrants, at least not directly.

      It’s the fact that the system is completely broken and is not working for average Canadians who have never abused a corrupt system.
      Housing is unaffordable, jobs are scarce, and public services are crumbling. The economy cannot sustain such a large influx of people in such a short amount of time.

    11. It’s mindbogging how people can’t see that the king of Canada, Trudeau has ruined it. We weren’t all broke working pay cheque to pay cheque, we could even afford steak occasionally but now I can’t even afford bologna. Trudeau’s sunny ways, fuck, the nerve of that creature.

    12. TheEverlastingGaze87 on

      This population is more than worthy of the hate being showered down on us by our political overlords. Until we smarten up, it will only get worse, but by the sounds of things that is not going to happen anytime soon. We are just reaping what we sow. Simple as that.

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