Ist das ein Ort, wo man Teppiche ausklopft?

    Von handioq


    1. Trzepak. in the 90s it was a playground for kids. I spent almost every afternoon after school playing there. Originally designed for dusting carpets.

    2. talesFromBo0bValley on

      community center in my youth, when youre too old for playground and to young for a bar

    3. You can bring your rug here, hang it over and with a use of “Trzepaczka” you can clean it.

      I’m not sure if people still commonly use it but back in the 90’s and 80’s before Christmas there were queues of people with their rugs waiting in lines to beat the dust off from their rugs.

    4. This is such a blast from the past. Many memories spending hours hanging from these things like monkeys or pretending to be gymnasts and collecting many bruises 😂

    5. Ok-Pie6743 on

      We played here: W Pająka.

      Translated ” to play the spider ”

      Where 1 is the spider on the ground with a stick in the hand.

      The rest was standing on the trzepak ( carpet cleaner ) and holding hands on the top barrier.

      The spider then goes with the stick from left to right and the rrst has to lift them up to not be touched by the stick.

      The spider continues untill the stick reaches the top piece by piece

    6. RoosterSea5706 on

      Klopsztanga, cultural center for youth in the 90′ and early 2000′. Ohhh, brings back memories 🥲

    7. Proceder88 on

      Place were you eat słonecznik,spend your summers,workout bar, soccer goal, volleyball net etc. If you were raised in the 90s you know

    8. Portal to the other world. For some people to the past, for other to imagination.

    9. I was very proud of my husband the other day when he went to the trzepak to beat my dad’s 4 rugs.
      That day he became 1000% more polish than any citizenship could have made him polish.

    10. Existing-Pop-1572 on

      Its use: beating rugs

      Actual use: M O N K E P L A Y G R O U N D

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