[OC] Ich habe eine interaktive Simulation des Geburtstagsparadoxons erstellt, das besagt, dass in einem Raum mit 23 Personen eine 50-prozentige Chance besteht, dass zwei Personen am selben Tag Geburtstag haben.

Von Shriracha


  1. Live link: https://perthirtysix.com/tool/birthday-paradox

    I built a sandbox that lets you simulate and understand the birthday paradox and few related problems. The birthday paradox tells us that in a room of 23 people, there are 50/50 odds that 2 people will have the same birthday (assuming a non-leap year and that birthdays are totally random, which they aren’t exactly).

    I’ve always found these types of problems really interesting and counterintuitive. The “aha” moment for me was realizing that _any_ two people sharing a birthday satisfies the problem, and at 23 people there are 253 different combinations of pairs between them.

    I hope you enjoy messing around with the tool!

    Built using Vue and p5.js, with probability formulas adapted from Wikipedia.

  2. This is so sleek and informative! I love the graph/slider under Generalizing. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Not_a_tasty_fish on

    While this is incredibly cool, it doesn’t help me wrap my brain around the paradox. Perhaps seeing multiple runs of 23 people each and then showcasing when a particular simulation contains a match as expected?

  4. Excellent but sadly it’s not a Sankey or an infographic on poops or whatever so no one will really see it.

  5. Individual_Macaron69 on

    why is it called a paradox? Because it is unintuitive to many people?
    anything actually paradoxical about it?

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