Beachten Sie das Symbol auf der Unterseite von Drakes Schuhen. Bild aus „Quiet on the Set“

    Von egool111


    1. SS: Notice the symbol on the bottom of Drakes shoe. Seem familiar to anyone?

    2. Blackphillip8 on

      Is that edited? That’s wild. Am I the only person that felt like this was a distraction? They barely covered the real pedos and just tried to make it seem like Dan was just a mean guy. They didn’t even get into how the real pedo is still currently employed by Disney. Whole thing just felt very odd to me.

    3. toorad4momanddad on

      I stared at that photo for too long thinking to myself…”that’s not Drake”

    4. DistinctRole1877 on

      I don’t get what they are trying to achieve with these pedo symbols, unless they are just rubbing it in our face.

    5. I’d also like to know what happened to sweet Amanda Bynes! Somebody did something to her that sent her over the edge!

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