Experten warnen, dass künstliche Intelligenz eines Tages eine Pandemie auslösen könnte


    1. MetaKnowing on

      “Experts are calling for governments to introduce mandatory oversight and guardrails for advanced biological models in a [new policy paper](,major%20epidemics%20or%20even%20pandemics.)*.* While today’s AI models probably do not “substantially contribute” to biological risk, the authors write, future systems could help to engineer new pandemic-capable pathogens.

      AI might be able to “figure out how a pathogen could maintain its transmissibility while retaining its fitness,” Cicero says. A terror group or other malicious actor is not the only way this could happen. Even a well-intentioned researcher, without the right protocols in place, could accidentally develop a pathogen that gets “released and then spreads uncontrollably.”

      “We need to be thinking not just of the current version of all of the available tools, but the next versions, because of the exponential growth that we see.”

    2. Shot_Independence274 on

      So what would keep for example NK, or Ruzzia, or Chaina, or ISISor who the feck know who else to just feck things up!

    3. At least at present, AIs can pursue goals but don’t have intentions of their own. It would still be a person or group that creates a bioweapon. The AI then is just another tool used for that purpose, not much different from precursor organisms or lab equipment.

    4. RadikaleM1tte on

      AI could [insert threat here] yawn. There’s already that algorithm that could be used to create toxins and also there are already enough existing diseases 

    5. UniversalDH on

      How is that possible, every Hollywood movie I’ve seen says the first rule they teach robots is not to harm humans. I don’t believe this.

    6. Is it also going to release it in a wet market somewhere and say “it wasn’t me!!”?

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