Vor 85 Jahren, am 1. September 1939, marschierten Deutschland und die Slowakei in Polen ein und leiteten damit die europäische Phase des Zweiten Weltkriegs ein.


    Von tllon


    1. Bitter_Kiwi_9352 on

      Slovakia doesn’t get quite the amount of grief it deserves for its wartime conduct.

    2. The Soviet Union invades Poland on 17 September. The campaign ended on 6 October with Germany and the USSR dividing and annexing the whole of Poland between themselves.

    3. Eminence_grizzly on

      It sounds like “Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, and Estonia invaded Afghanistan”. Wasn’t Slovakia just a German puppet state?

    4. Beginning-Nerve-7533 on

      and at the end of joint operations there was a shared military parade of both Nazis and Soviets in Brest

    5. supremebubbah on

      It’s crazy how the first years of WW2 are completely different in technology with the latest. Any way I wish we never saw a war like that never again.

    6. Stacys_Brother on

      One of the most shameful day of our history, preceeded by the Munich betrayal. I don’t think one would be without other, though still shameful on it’s own.

    7. dendarkjabberwock on

      Wow. It is a first time I even heard about Slovakia in this context. Always assumed it was against Nazis, together with Czechia

    8. Unsinkable_I on

      And now many european countries are going into far-right or far-left politics. This shows that humans memory is about 80 years. ”People, what a bunch of bastards”, Roy, IT-Crowd

    9. dat_9600gt_user on

      The fact that even after this Britain and France responded with the Phony War is astounding.

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