Laut einer Studie der Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) haben die US-Steuerzahler im vergangenen Jahr rund 150 Milliarden Dollar für staatliche Leistungen und Unterstützung ausgegeben, um den 20 Millionen illegalen Einwanderern im Land zu helfen. – Quelle
Kalifornien hat gerade ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das illegalen Einwanderern Wohnbeihilfen in Höhe von 150.000 Dollar gewährt. Gleichzeitig können sich viele legale Einwanderer kein Eigenheim mehr leisten.
Dies folgt auf die illegale Gewährung einer kostenlosen Gesundheitsversorgung für alle Bürger durch Newsom trotz eines Defizits von 68 Milliarden Dollar.
Der 5 Milliarden Dollar teure Mauer war zu teuer.
Von External-Noise-4832
Some outlets reported it being $450B
If the funds can only come out of Biden + con-gress members’ vacation/travel allowance, this tap would be turned off.
All part of the agenda folks.
this is an unspoken agreement with countries south of the US in exchange for keeping those countries underdeveloped and destabalized. it stems fron the monroe doctrine
Taxpayers spent $150 billion on government services and support for the 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States, with most of the cost going to state and local governments, according to a new study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
Currently, today, imm. igra. ants are taking over entire apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado. Right now, at this very minute.
They are going door to door, and throwing the legal occupants out of their own homes, by gun point. And because the city has recently had major cut-backs, because a certain group I shan’t name called for “defunding the po lice,” there is no help or recourse for these people.
The legal tenants are literally running into the night, for their lives with the clothes on their backs. The imigr.ants are emptying the apartments there…the personal effects, clothes, etc., & filling them with their brethren.
I believe this has been done intentionally (or by ignorance, which is probably the case) to stow up hate and division. The illegal immigrant situation is just to destabilize the current society in America and when things really ‘SHTF’, all of these illegals will do whatever it takes to survive in a country they have no clue how to honestly operate in without government assistance. The citizens that have homes, property, private land etc etc will do whatever it takes to protect their livelihoods.
I’d rather my tax dollars be used to help people rather than bomb them.
Biden/Harris support that expenditure because more than 1/2 gets syphoned off to their supporters (who subsequently pay “protection money” back to the Party).
America – nation of suckers!
This plus the 80mil a week we give the middle east.. no wonder we are fucked up
Only a matter of time before SS and 401ks are raided…
Add in the $180 billion to Ukraine and the billions on covid and pretty soon you are talking about real money.
Except there are not 20 million illegals in the country. Even MAGA inflated numbers don’t reach this level.
Almost a $Trillion was given out with PPP, with only 25% roughly going to workers who lost their job.
That’s money we could’ve sent to King Zelenskyy!
Thanks, ~~Joe~~ Kamala.
“California just passed a law to give undocumented immigrants $150,000.” Um, no they aren’t giving “every illegal immigrant” $150,000. Illegal immigrants are now allowed to apply for the grant. They still will only be awarding the grant to 1700 people total, legal or illegal it’s only 1700 grants. Probably why you didn’t site that little factoid, but not the doomsday money dump with all the facts in place.