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Holy shit, the Arlington employee was a woman!!? Trashy thugs.
Trump staffer should be charged with assault and/or battery.
Any other campaign, at the very least, would apologize and that staffer would be fired and shunned.
If Trump were ever charged for this, he’d accuse everyone at Arlington of being never Trumpers; he’d denigrate any judge assigned to the case; he’d accuse prosecutors of election interference; and he’d dox any cemetery official who cooperated.
Trump’s campaign manager Steve Cheung already accused an Arlington official of suffering from a mental dysfunction after he/she tried to enforce the law and stop this photo op.
Odds that the staffer was Lewandowski?
A military tribunal can surely be just around the corner…?
Dang. It was a woman who was assaulted. Trump and his people are seriously messed up.
He also gave a thumbs up over a grave of a marine who died in an Isis suicide attack while flashing that shit-eating grin of his.
Just disgusting.
He probably would push a baby stroller down a hill and out of the way if it meant a better photo op.
My guess, because of the location, is the victim is an older woman. Who the fuck pushes an older woman? The Army should not let this go. They need to protect their people.
Uses a dead soldier for a photo-op. He had to lower the bar of using a church and bible for a photo-op. But his supporters don’t care about decorum unless it’s a Democrat then they lose their minds.
We need to take the garbage out on November 5, 2024. VOTE BLUE
for me the worst part of all of this is when the trump rep. explained that the arlington worker was having a “mental episode” (possibly nonverbatim.) As though that makes it all OK – and the person deserved it?
Everytime they refuse to enforce the law it just emboldens these people further.
Nothing is sacred. Assaulting women at Arlington for a photo op is peak MAGA.
They are just a bunch of bullies! This is why bullying should be STOPPED in grade school. If not, the bullies grow up and do shit like this.
Trump’s kind of jumping the gun with the whole dictator thing.
“Pushed a woman,” sums up trumps campaign.
I read a story yesterday about her not wanting to press charges because she didn’t want to be exposed to harassment. Like wtf, does she not have a superior with a spine? Sweet Jesus. When will this jackass face the consequences of his actions.
If you can get away with January 6, why not?
I’ll bet it was that Steve Cheung that POS.
Arrest. This. Piece. Of. Shit. NOW!
Sad part is that she’s afraid to press charges because she doesn’t want to get assaulted by one of his useful idiots. This should be very detrimental to his campaign.
This story will just get lost in the constant barrage of bullshit he creates but it really shouldn’t. If you’ve ever been to Arlington you know the whole place is about respect and Trump clearly, repeatedly, has none, none for the workers and none for the hero’s buried there. No real patriot would vote for this man.
Jesus christ you can’t make this shit up. He’s literally a super villain.
It’s called assault
The army needs to charge them, not the woman. Also I read that taking photos as they did is against federal law. Laws are made to be enforced. So the DOD and DOJ need to charge them. Note to Merrick Garland: Time to wake up and do your job or quit and go home
they must have thought she had cats.
3 days since this happened and no apology from Trump. Let’s make a clock here.
Pushing women. Not that anyone needed to be pushed regardless of gender or identity… Stay classy MAGAts…🤮
This is so fucking shameful it absolutely makes my blood boil.
It’s the perfect summation of trump’s base and the problem with people today. No one gives a fuck and everyone is entitled to do whatever they want.
If you are a trump supporter but agree with how shameful this is, you are the fucking problem
I know this is a big deal because Fox News already has articles on damage control. Fox News says one guy on the internet was ok with it and the offender staffer had a mental health episode. Very weak defense because this is indefensible.