Zur Erinnerung: Die IFA ist die stärkere Lobby in Irland!


    Von Accomplished-Ad-6639


    1. ok and ? considering up to the 1980s most of the state was farm land

      i don’t know what your trying to prove

      personally id perfer the farms to stay in familys ( so they can farm the land in both a food making capacity and a climate change one )

    2. badger-biscuits on

      This makes sense. A farm is basically a business and way of life.

      If the assets being transferred are not farm related they are not counted in agricultural relief.

    3. Inspired_Carpets on

      Isn’t there similar reliefs for other businesses? You’re not comparing like for like here.

    4. PublicElevator6693 on

      This example is designed to make you go “wow, inheritance tax is so unfair” but the truth is very, very few people are inheriting this much from either farms or PAYE. 

      The vast majority of us will never inherit enough to hit the threshold, and those who do hit it should pay tax on it. 

    5. pgasmaddict on

      A ton of wealthy individuals around these parts have become farmers in their later years so they can pass on their wealth with minimal taxes. AFAIK the farmer can also sign over the farm to a child while still alive with little in the way of tax implications. Farmers vote and to touch the above would be suicide politically so it’ll never be touched until they think it’d be more damaging not to do something about it.

    6. Willing-Departure115 on

      So run the thought experiment forward. We tax inheritance of farms the same as passing on a property portfolio.

      Loads of farmers cannot afford that tax. So they sell the land to… wealthier farm owners and corporations.

      We turn into the likes of the US with mega farms and the family small holding dies out.

      You could argue you’re for this – but the policy of the state has been that preserving the rural way of life and smaller farmholders is desirable.

      Hence the tax treatment.

    7. crewster23 on

      Farms are businesses with business assets – not the same as personal wealth accumulation

    8. Farmers always complaining about how bad they have it, when the reality is they have every possible advantage.

    9. MMAPredictor on

      What a ridiculous post.

      Do you not understand how ridiculous it is for a farm, that generally does not generate much cash, but has capital appreciation over generations, to have no tax relief? We wouldn’t have any farmers in Ireland. They’d all be skint from paying tax on tax on tax.

      Business Relief is similar and you have no mention of that.

    10. Not sure what the point of this is? Have no issues with young farmers getting tax relief on inherited land. I’d imagine we need them as it’s hardly the most appealing career.

    11. divin3sinn3r on

      Why should individuals be taxed to the fifth heaven while businesses aren’t?

    12. What sort of PAYE earner has a €4.5m lump sum of cash or other unproductive assets to pass on? Yes, if you have €4.5m just sitting in the bank, or in some other such investment fund designed to preserve wealth you’ll have to pay tax on it with inheritance.

      If on the other hand, you take that €4.5m into a business which provides tangible economic benefits to the country as a whole, e.g. employment, taxs, or just general goods/services — then you can avail of [Business Relief](https://www.revenue.ie/en/gains-gifts-and-inheritance/cat-reliefs/business-relief/index.aspx) exists which is quite similar to [Agricultural Relief](https://www.revenue.ie/en/gains-gifts-and-inheritance/cat-reliefs/agricultural-relief/index.aspx) mentioned here.

      These seems reasonable to me — hoarding wealth for personal benefit but no benefit to soceity as a whole, not good — operating a successful business that provides good/services that we use, good.

      Can someone explain to me by what logic or political ideological view reckons that this is a problem?

    13. earth-calling-karma on

      Agricultural relief sounds like something you get after a full Irish following a feed of pints the night before.

    14. halibfrisk on

      Any house can be passed on free of CAT if it’s the disponee’s residence.

      tl:dr – Move in with mammy

    15. External-Chemical-71 on

      The little guy (with €4.5M in assets) getting fucked over as ever!

    16. DonaldsMushroom on

      well at least its all being left ‘TO SON’.
      Imagine the chaos if daughters were inheriting!

    17. dermot_animates on

      My dad was a PAYE worker, sure as shite didn’t have 4,500,000 to leave us. Must have been lazy.

    18. Xeamus4Toes on

      Hear me out! We do really really want farmers to stay on their farms. Generation after generation!


    19. Yes lets force the sale of all farmland in the country once a generation so that a handfull of super wealthy can buy it all up, monopolise food production and pay no tax themselves.

      Farmland is not the same as other assets, farmers don’t hold land to sell it for profit they hold it to pass along. Just because outside forces decide it is valuable doesn’t change that.

      That farmer with €4,000,000 of land is probably only making €60k a year off it.

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