Die Bundesregierung verspricht 6 Milliarden US-Dollar für den Wohnungsbau im Rahmen eines neuen Infrastrukturfonds



    1. ClassOptimal7655 on

      >The other $5 billion will be set aside for provinces and territories, but they can only access the funding if they make certain commitments.
      >Those include allowing more “missing middle” homes, including duplexes, triplexes, townhouses and multi-unit buildings, and a three-year freeze on development charges for cities with more than 300,000 people.

      Looks like the government is listening and targeting the missing middle housing! And I’m so glad this money comes with conditions. We’ve already seen Conservative premiers avoid doing anything to fix the housing crisis.

      [Premier Ford says it’s a ‘massive mistake’ to impose fourplexes across Ontario](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-premier-ford-says-its-a-massive-mistake-to-impose-fourplexes-across/)

      Doug Ford seems to want the housing crisis, that is driven in a large part by his province, to continue.

      What is Pierre going to propose as an alternative? His terrible plan to cut money from cities to encourage them to build more homes?

      [Pierre Poilievre’s housing plan slammed by Canada’s mayors](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/pierre-poilievres-housing-plan-slammed-by-canadas-mayors/article_6f8d8f66-d4de-11ee-aafe-93fdd11958e9.html)

      >*Withholding infrastructure funding from cash-strapped cities will not help solve the housing crisis, mayors charged Monday.*

      >Under Poilievre’s plan, announced in a private member’s bill last fall, cities that increase homebuilding by 15 per cent annually would be rewarded, while **cities that don’t would see federal funding for transit and infrastructure withheld.**

    2. This is the missing link in the Federal government’s plan. Tying funding for fourplexes for provinces means that the buck is passed onto the provinces even though housing is their jurisdiction. They have every chance to upzone, now they have to take it or be the NIMBY gatekeepers that are causing the housing crisis.

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