Die Russen haben gerade versucht, den Kiewer Staudamm zu sprengen. Wenn dies gelingt, wird eine der größten Städte Europas dauerhaft überflutet. Unterdessen verbieten die USA der Ukraine, dies zu verhindern.


    Von Espressodimare


    1. Possible-Survey2389 on

      Time for the west to take the gloves of and say go for it.

    2. MarioGamer06 on

      This is bullshit, why are we still ignoring war crimes? This just proves how politics creep up even when innocent people are being put in danger.

    3. MatchingTurret on

      >US forbids Ukraine from stopping it

      That’s not true. The US restricts the use of US supplied weapons. Ukraine is free to use domestic weapon systems.

    4. The US needs to get the fu*k on board and finally say: – <<Ukraine can use ATACMS against targets on Russian soil, at their discretion, within the laws of warfare, BECAUSE of russia targeting hydroelectric dams in an attempt to use them as weapons of mass destruction>>

      And what’s with nato countries allowing safe passage for Russian drones and missiles through their collective air spaces?

      Start. Shooting. Them. Down.

    5. JoJoGoGo_11 on

      Ok…do the bridge thing again and quadruple tap that bitch, then send 100 drones to moscow in a day and 200 the next. Escalation is your friend at this point and the only language Russia understands.

    6. MilkiestMaestro on

      The people are behind you. I say better to ask for forgiveness than permission. I’d bet top US military officials wish Ukraine would, they just can’t be seen approving of it.

    7. muntaxitome on

      When Russia bombed a major children’s hospital without any explanation or apologies the west did not see any ‘red lines’ or reasons for escalation. While for sure the US and other countries have sent useful weapons and in particular air defenses, for winning the war Ukraine only has itself. That’s not a fun fact but it’s just the way it is.

    8. How much Russian evil are we going to take before we kick the shit out of them like they NEED? 🇺🇦

    9. Ridebreaker on

      Starting to think that despite the talk, the US is the biggest baddie here! Didn’t they even recently stop the UK giving permission for UK missiles to be used in attacks on Russia – FFS!

    10. TorontoTom2008 on

      More likely they are trying to destroy the electrical production capabilities. The physical destruction of the dam structure is not practical with standoff weapons like this.

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