Wir (indischer Herkunft) erwägen den Kauf eines Hauses (Budget 120.000–200.000 €) in der Region Espoo. Meine Frau lebt seit 6 Jahren in Finnland (hat vor kurzem eine dauerhafte Aufenthaltserlaubnis erhalten) und zahlt Miete (> 800 € pro Monat).

Wir sind noch recht neu in der Idee und dem Prozess des Hauskaufs in Finnland. Wir stoßen auf recht erschwingliche bis über das Budget hinausgehende Optionen. Die Idee des Teileigentums ist auch verlockend (für den Betrag, den wir zahlen, um das Recht zu bewohnen). Für die Option des vollständigen Eigentums werden in der Immobilienanzeige jedoch 200-300 € pro Monat als Bearbeitungsgebühr und zusätzliche monatliche Unternehmensgebühren erwähnt.

zB – https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot/espoo/21871936

Das ist entmutigend, denn es würde fast 50 % unserer monatlichen Miete ausmachen. Wir verstehen, dass einige Wartungsgebühren, Wasser und Strom bezahlt werden müssen, aber ist es üblich, fast 400 € pro Monat zu zahlen, obwohl man das Haus besitzt? Ist das situationsbedingt? Kann jemand helfen zu verstehen, wie hoch die realistische monatliche Belastung für Hausbesitzer wäre, die in ihrem Haus wohnen und es nicht vermieten möchten, um Geld zu verdienen? Vielen Dank im Voraus

What is treatment fee and company consideration?
byu/JusAnothrLivingBeing inFinland

Von JusAnothrLivingBeing


  1. The listing is for an apartment, not a house.

    The building is owned by a housing company and what you buy is the right to use one of the apartments in that building.

    The monthly fee covers things like heating, maintenance (cleaning of common areas, smaller repairs, plowing the snow in the winter, etc)

  2. It’s not that uncommon, especially when talking about apartments rather than an actual separate house. Since there’s the limited liability company involved with apartment buildings that are owned by the tenants. The company charges the people owning the apartments to pay off debts that may have been previously taken to fund repairs to the whole building. Or they foresee a big repair incoming and are charging inhabitants to prepare for it.

    The amounts may wary and it depends on how the company itself has been managed, but it’s not too uncommon for them to be around that amount. If you are paying rent, the landlord is likely using good chunk of the rent fee to pay for the fee to the respective company themselves.

    The monthly fees will wary depending on the location, the limited liability company as well as the age of the building itself.

  3. In this example post the maintenance / upkeep fee is 275€/month.

    As described by LordMorio it covers heating and basic maintenance of the building and yard, cleaning the premises and so on.

    Then there is some “Erityisvastike” 75e/month. This is either payment of a loan for this apartments share, the housing company has most probably taken loan to finance some larger repairs.

    It could also be that they are collecting money into fund to do some repairs in future. Bit strange that its marked like that.

    Most usual way is that the housing company takes loan and its written as “Pääomavastike”.

    — edit —

    Also if you have the money and want to pay out the debt part (if it actually is debt in this case) its usually possible on 2 or 4 specific days a year, for some loans what ever day is possible. Depends on the rules bank has put there. You ask your housing steward about the possible dates and an invoice. You pay it off, after that you only pay the maintenance fee.

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