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At this point I’ll believe it when I see it. They have long had a habit of talking out of both sides of their mouth of this issue, there is simply no reason to take them at their word. Especially with them floating the idea of converting TFWs to PR status or ‘freezing’ TFWs at historically high levels.
Devil is in the details. We will see what happens, but this is the biggest boogeyman left in Poilievre’s arsenal. If this problem gets dropped down to levels that it leaves concern, what then?
I know many problems that need attention, but so many just keep screaming about immigration as thw root of all evil.
> Fraser did not offer any specifics as to how many TFWs will be admitted in the future or what aspects of the program could change now that the government has identified the program’s explosive growth as a problem.
I fully expect this to be a reduction in the TFW program *only*, which is (somehow) just small fraction of the source of foreign residence in Canada with work privileges.
If we go by 2022, there were 119,825 here under the TFWP and 677,400 here under the IMP program (think TFW, but the employer doesn’t have to prove that they couldn’t hire a Canadian. They can just hire foreigners).
In 2022 there was ~800,000 international students, all of whom have work privileges. All together and the TFWP is less than 10% of the number of temporary foreign residents who can work.
If they simply reign in the TFWP, we can get a press conference where Trudeau says “Let me be clear; I hear you. For far too long, we’ve allowed the TFW program to run amok. That’s why we’re taking bold action to reduce the TFWP to 2015 levels.”
Naturally, they won’t do boo about the other sources that make up the other 92% of temporary foreign workers.
BUT, by playing semantics (reducing Temporary Foreign Workers™ instead of foreigners with temporary status who work) it’ll give them the ability to *appear* to be doing something without doing anything.
EDIT: For those wondering, there were a total of 491,300 people in 2015 who were temporary residents with T4 income. 116,800 via TFW, 210,000 via IMP, 74,500 study permit holders, and the rest are post-grad permit holders and others.
If anyone thinks we have only 74,500 study permit holders working full time hours today, I’ve got a bridge to sell them.
Reign in – what does that even mean? Last year 1,000,000. Next year, 999,999. Reigned in!
Right now, the dump truck is overflowing, and the truck is overfilled and the truck is well over its weight limit to a dangerous level.
The only solution is to empty some gravel out of the dump truck. The solution is *not* to keep filling the overfilled overweight dangerous dump truck just more slowly.
This is what real leadership looks like folks: being nimble, open to change and willing to change tactics in response to circumstances changing. The ability to do this while keeping progressive Canadian values as your “north star” is a key part of what makes Justin Trudeau such an effective leader.
The lack of any specifics, combined with the continued propagation of the “labour shortage” like, leaves this announcement vapid. And Fraser isn’t even in charge of the Immigration portfolio either anymore.
“Bang, half of TFWs are now eligible for PR. Don’t worry, the government will help you do the application. Boomshakalaka, program reigned in. Goodbye ‘temporary’! Mission accomplished, You’re welcome, Canada.”
– Liberal Party of Canada