Umfrage: „Nächste Generation“ in Ontario hält Eigenheimbesitz für unerreichbar


  1. KeySpace333 on

    My plan for home ownership is move in with my parents when they are in their final years and then wait.

  2. Half million dollars for a unlivable shoebox in sky – this is your dream as youth

  3. Mindless_Education38 on

    This is NOT news anymore! This is reported on regularly with no solutions or actions to fix it.

    Actually doing something about it would be news! Stop telling us things we already know. It’s so demoralizing.

  4. cr-islander on

    Unfortunately the killer for most younger people is not the cost of the house it’s getting the down payment. For many the rental cost is close to or more than a mortgage cost and is “somewhat” affordable if not for the initial down payment…

  5. Worried_494 on

    Who will buy the boomer homes then when they die?

    They are rich on paper but when push comes to shove your assets are only worth what others will pay for it.

  6. UnionGuyCanada on

    Ban corporate ownership and AirBNB style. Anything else will never solve the problem.

      There are corporations who own tens of thousands of single family dwellings. 

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