Physiker der STAR-Kollaboration haben bei Kollisionen von Atomkernen am Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) im Brookhaven National Laboratory des Energieministeriums der USA den Antimaterie-Hypernukleus Antihyperwasserstoff-4 – bestehend aus einem Antihyperon, einem Antiproton und zwei Antineutronen – beobachtet.

Physicists Observe Antihyperhydrogen-4 for First Time


  1. WeLLrightyOH on

    To be clear the structure itself was essentially an anti hydrogen-3 molecule connected to a antihyperon (a baryon containing 2 strange quarks). Is the big deal here observing a antihyperon?

  2. Pixelated_ on

    >In 2010, they detected the antihypertriton; this was the first instance of an antimatter nucleus containing a hyperon, which is a particle containing at least one strange quark rather than just the lighter up and down quarks that make up ordinary protons and neutrons.
    >Then, just a year later, STAR physicists toppled that heavyweight antimatter record by detecting the antimatter equivalent of the helium nucleus: antihelium-4.

  3. Even having studied physics, I only have a vague idea what any of that means. However, that illustration actually makes a cool concept to design a spaceship around for anyone writing sci fi.

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