KI-Unternehmen sind wütend über neues Gesetz, das sie zur Verantwortung ziehen würde, wenn ihre KI schlechte Dinge tut


  1. Submission statement: if AI corporations knowingly release an AI model that can cause mass casualties and then it is used to cause mass casualties, should they be held accountable for that?

    Is AI like any other technology or is it different and should be held to different standards?

    Should AI be treated like Google docs or should it be treated like biological laboratories or nuclear facilities?

    Biological laboratories can be used to create cures for diseases but it can also be used to create diseases, and so we have special safety standards for laboratories.

    But Google docs can also be used to facilitate creating a biological weapon.

    However, it would seem insane to not have special safety standards for biological laboratories and it does not feel the same for Google docs. Why?

  2. If you see that a lot of AI bros are complaining then it’s for sure a good thing. Enough with this whole mentality of profits over anything and everything.

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