Vier Highschool-Schülern drohen bis zu zehn Jahre Gefängnis wegen Entführung und sexueller Nötigung einer Gleichaltrigen in einem Motel (Livestream in den sozialen Medien).


  1. Ok-Pumpkin-5130 on

    Four high school students who lured a fellow female student to a motel, sexually assaulted her, and livestreamed the incident on social media were sentenced to heavy penalties in their appeal trial.

    On the 23rd, Daejeon High Court’s Criminal Division 1, presided over by Judge Park Jin-hwan, sentenced A (18) to 10 years in prison (with a minimum of 7 years) in the appeal trial for charges including rape resulting in injury, joint assault, and joint confinement. Co-conspirator B (19) was sentenced to 6 years in prison, and the remaining two were each sentenced to 6 years in prison (with a minimum of 5 years).

    The court stated, “They could not reach an agreement with the victim, and instead, they threatened her, making a heavy punishment unavoidable.”

    These high school students were prosecuted for confining and sexually assaulting a fellow female student at a motel in Jung-gu, Daejeon, in the early morning of October 14th last year.

    A took away the victim’s mobile phone and threatened her, saying, “I’ll make sure you can’t get pregnant,” while hitting her in the face and stomach and forcing her to undress. B ordered another accomplice to commit sexual acts, while the remaining accomplices ensured that the victim could not resist and subjected her to further abuse. It was also revealed that they filmed the incident to prevent the victim from reporting it and livestreamed it on social media.

  2. lospuebloschamp on

    Well, who can be surprised girls don’t want to have babies anymore?

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