Joly: Kanada drängt Israel auf Anordnung eines internationalen Gerichts, um Völkermord im Gazastreifen zu verhindern

1 Comment

  1. kludgeocracy on

    I’m not sure what the intention here was, but these comments make Canada look both spineless and irrelevant. What does “Canada’s pushing” look like? Politely asking _South Africa_ to push for a ceasefire.

    > Canada is asking South Africa to use its connections in Iran and Hamas to push for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

    The comment is doubly embarrassing when placed next to what the minister from South Africa actually said,

    > We need the support of Canada and other countries with influence to ensure adherence to the provisional measures and the existing UN resolutions on the Israel-Palestine matter

    South Africa is calling on _Canada_, and the other rich, influential Western countries which wield real influence to step up. In this context, Joly’s response of putting the onus back on South Africa is weak. She also cooly states that Canada,

    > respects the independence of the international court.

    Canada is a country that ought to stand for human rights, international law and justice. We are a _founding member_ of the international criminal court. For me, these are absolutely central Canadian values, and core to our role in the world. We must unambiguously _support_ these institutions, both rhetorically and materially. The reluctance of our government to do this is a great failure to live up to our values.

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