Schockierende Erklärung des Staatssekretärs (HDZ): Er ist ungerecht, dass sein Gehalt gewachsen ist – 1.500 Euro
Budanov bestätigt, dass die Ukraine hinter einem groß angelegten Drohnenangriff auf Moskau steht Von Przytulator
thaaag on 23.08.2024 4:34 AM (Almost) all other European countries should jump in – “no! It was me!” “No it wasn’t, it was us!” “Don’t listen to them, *we* sent the drones” etc. Let ruzzia know (almost) everyone hates them.
Low_Willingness1735 on 23.08.2024 5:21 AM The West needs to wake up & let Ukrainians forces use long range weapons to finish the job. Slava Ukraini.
Damn, I bet it all on the Spanish inquisition
He DID say, “Deeper & deeper….”
(Almost) all other European countries should jump in – “no! It was me!” “No it wasn’t, it was us!” “Don’t listen to them, *we* sent the drones” etc.
Let ruzzia know (almost) everyone hates them.
I mean…it was kinda obvious wasn’t it?
He looks so happy about it.
Another great move 👏
The West needs to wake up & let Ukrainians forces use long range weapons to finish the job. Slava Ukraini.
I was sure Switzerland was behind it. Damn !
And this is supposed to be news to someone?