Das Selbstmordrisiko ist bei Ärztinnen im Vergleich zur Gesamtbevölkerung um 76 % höher, wie eine neue Analyse aus 20 Ländern zeigt. Früheren Schätzungen zufolge begeht in den USA jeden Tag ein Arzt Selbstmord, in Großbritannien etwa alle 10 Tage einer.
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I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:
From the linked article:
Suicide risk is significantly higher for female doctors compared with the general population, according to an analysis of evidence from 20 countries.
Their findings were published in the BMJ journal.
According to previous estimates, one doctor dies by suicide every day in the US, and about one every 10 days in the UK, but evidence on suicide rates for physicians is inconsistent across countries.
A total of 39 studies from 20 countries were included. The researchers found no overall increase in suicide risk for male doctors compared with the general population. For female doctors, however, suicide risk was significantly higher (76%) than the general population, the BMJ reported.