Ist dies die Blaupause, nach der die Eliten die Gesellschaft zerstören wollten?

    Von AshleyMyers44


    1. AshleyMyers44 on

      Submission Statement:

      There are many avenues the elites use to destroy Western Culture.

      Many of these things have debatably happened. Is that proof that the elites are bent on destroying culture?

    2. UniqueImprovements on

      You forgot the overarching theme…..make people comfortable.

      With the advent of the internet, we have simply become dopamine-consuming machines. Day in and day out we get dopamine hits not from actually doing anything noteworthy, but by the easiest, cheapest way possible.

    3. doomsdaybeast on

      They use the hackable animals language, that’s what CIA has been doing since the 50’s. To see what human beings are, what makes them tick and break them down to a movable herd they can manipulate to their own ends. We’re in a time of psychological warfare, the Infowar as Jones calls it. You can manipulate human beings in a lot of ways. I believe they’re using them all. There is no turning it back, most of the population is in this cycle of brainwashing, there’s no way out and we’ll never outnumber those that are brainwashed whom vote. We’re walking right into a depopulation agenda that’s gonna wipe 90% off the map and to the elites delight, we’re gonna vote for it.

    4. Man just in a few generations too! I’m 38 and remember big family dinners and gatherings for holidays! But as I got older the elders passed and the next generation didn’t really show up anymore well my elders would be great grandparents, so my grandparents did do holidays but it was their kid my parents and uncle and aunt that all slowly did whatever. I don’t see my brother and sister like ever ? I just have seen so much change watching my own family dinner table as ppl disappeared. I know new kid were born but we just stopped the gathering? Everyone keeps it small now ?

    5. The list is far longer.

      Funny how the whole world believes that list is better than its reverse.

      – Beautiful humanizing art
      – A porn free world
      – God and church as a center of our community and beliefs
      – Good clean high quality food free from overly processed foods and chemicals/synthetics
      – Dads, Moms and families are central and uplifted. The goal to raise moral and strong children the focus of those families
      – Money backed by gold and silver (or bitcoin)
      – Make beautiful inspiring buildings, larger homes, good infrastructure and free (or near free) energy
      – Salaries enough to pay for a full family of 4 or 5 people. Let moms control the home
      – Real history about our past and people that enlighten and support

      Feels like a better world doesn’t it?

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