1. Unlikely_Leading2950 on

    It’s simple, our ndp/lpc government is more concerned with making their rich friends even richer. 

    Their contempt for the working class knows no bounds. 

    A vote for the ndp/lpc is a vote for bringing back feudalism. 

  2. TheSilentPrince on

    I can’t imagine that it’ll ever stop, as long as there’s more money to be made for the ultra-rich by screwing over Canadian citizens of the working class than there is by helping them. It’s just one more reason to hate party politics, instead of issue-based politics. It would be nice to have a party that wants to majorly cut down on immigration, but also expanding our strong social services *for citizens*. Also, you know, stuff like actually believing in climate change, bodily autonomy, gender/sex equality, LGBT rights etc., all at the same time.

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