Europa ist am Ende

Von Le_King053


  1. will you ever learn Germany? satanic zi0 nizm, JWO. it’s weird how they are all on the same page. beheading by 2030 ?

  2. Appropriate_Force831 on

    It has been for a long time. But people need to finally ask themselves why.

  3. KitTayTay2021 on

    You aren’t even allowed to question the holocaust over there, that in itself is a crime..The truth should never fear investigation, so what are they afraid of that people might find out.

  4. Nova-Jello on

    ….and so it has Begun!! (evil laugh) lol, sad to see this replicated in other governments if true

  5. Coming soon to neighborhood near you. Because- what are you gonna do about it? Nothing. Shut up and get back to work.

  6. beerzebulb on

    Yeah but I don’t care because weed is legal and I’m not doing anything wrong anymore. : – )

    Get them pedophiles

  7. Jpwatchdawg on

    You’d think Germany would have learned from their past mistakes but here they are.

  8. ProfessionalQuit1016 on

    This is what the actually says: “*However, these instruments should only be able to be used under very high hurdles, as a last resort, and only to combat terrorism*”
    So no, gestapo won’t kick your door down for disagreeing with the mainstream news.

    Also, saying “Europe is finished” is just blatantly ignorant, German laws don’t dictate the rest of Europe

  9. dontmakemewait on

    Y’all don’t really seem to understand that things like the Patriot Act and its FISA cousins have been allowing the US to wholesale monitor its citizens for 20 years now. Hell, in the USA you can be charged for crimes they can’t even identify to you as they are “national security”. Why are you surprised when it happens elsewhere?

  10. Classic Germany .. they can’t help themselves it’s in their nature

  11. I’m 1000% convinced Reddit is the largest collection of uninformed people on the planet.

  12. They’ve been pretty strict on antisemitism for a while now, and there’s a 75 year old dude that claims he’s the rightful heir to the German monarchy and he has media and militias and stuff plotting to overthrow the government. You probably wouldn’t say anything if it was an isis cell, stop projecting your western progressive liberal values like free speech on other nations

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