Kampfeinsatz der ukrainischen SF-Einheit „Whiskey Squad“ an unbekanntem Ort

Von AdrenalineRushh


  1. This magazine that lets the soldier see how many rounds can still be fired is excellent

  2. Pretend_Offer_8265 on

    I’m no pro but these dudes are not your average ground pounder’s

  3. 2birbsbothstoned on

    What was he pouring on the corpse near the end of the video? Fire retardant?

  4. BadNecessary9344 on

    Good video, me personally would not touch weapons of found dead soldiers. Might be boobied.

    Otherwise, serious dudes doing serious stuff.

  5. The0nlyRyan on

    On BBC News it’s been reported that challenger 2s are being used in this offensive.

    Hoping this is true as I’ve not seen any footage to support it :(?

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