Selenskyj bestätigt vollständige Einnahme der russischen Stadt Sudscha in der Oblast Kursk


    1. Apparently 200,000 Russian Citizens have been displaced.

      Not a small number, this will definitely put pressure on the Kremlin.

    2. Just_the_nicest_guy on

      Ukrainians are just so damn nice. Russia said they wanted a demilitarized buffer zone between them and Ukraine and the Ukrainians are preparing the space for it in Kursk.

    3. injectUVdisinfectant on

      I keep running it through my head. “Why is Ukraine doing this?”. Aside from putting pressure on Putin, capturing Russian soldiers to be traded for Ukrainian prisoners… I think this clearly shows that all of Putin’s “red lines” are silly and imaginary. Ukraine is proving to the west that they need to stop holding back. Allow Ukraine to use western weapons in Russia just as Russia uses Chinese, Iranian, and North Korean weapons in Ukraine. It’s really that simple.

    4. I thought Ukraines actions were supposed to be defensive?

      Invading another country isn’t defensive in my eyes.

      Ukraine are terrorising innocent Russians who have done nothing wrong.

      Sad tactics when they can’t out fight Russians within Ukraine.

    5. DepletedMitochondria on

      Holy shit. I assume this is to force peace negotiations.

    6. DrKhaylomsky on

      Great. Now Ukranians have somewhere to live while their own towns and cities get rebuilt

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