Sind Euro-Rücklichter in Deutschland legal? Ich ziehe bald dorthin und bin neugierig.

Von No_Candidate7846


  1. No_Candidate7846 on

    They are still fully functional. It’s only a cosmetic difference when the taillights aren’t activated.

  2. It’s highly unlikely that any modifications for cars that weren’t meant for the EU market are legal here.

    Considering you’re likely US military as nobody else but US military or a pimp would drive a Mustang coming from abroad, you’re, afaik, pretty much exempt from everything when it comes to your cars and you could legally drive a V8 powered tricycle and nobody would mind.

  3. MeltsYourMinds on

    AFAIK if you import a US Mustang you must exchange the lights to EU ones to make the car street legal.

  4. Designer-Strength7 on

    EC component type-approval mark is needed. The designation of an approved type which has undergone EU type-approval testing. This is the letter „e“, surrounded by a rectangle, followed by the number or letter of the country that issued the type approval. This also applies if the part is identical to a US part. Without this test number, the TÜV and police will force you to abandon the vehicle or dismantle it. Except you are at the army and the car will be moved to US in future. But you have to switch head lights for example again.

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