Abfeuern einer Javelin-Rakete auf einen russischen Panzer. (Standort unbekannt)



    1. Sophrosyne_7 on

      Wonderful Javelin footage! Firing and the hit are clearly connected – that’s not always the case with such clips. Shortly before the hit, that tank started to emit smoke. Most likely as smoke screen. So, did they know what was coming at them?

    2. Reach out and knock on the tank. “St javelin here to fuck your shit up “

    3. pete780YEG on

      Any estimate on the distance of the tank? That was a beautiful shot

    4. Spahpanzer2551 on

      what a shot! I was looking for that tank for too long, impressive eyes by these guys. I was hoping for the big cookoff and was not disappointed

    5. Terryberry69 on

      Need to get many thousands more of those into the game, money well spent. Sorry about our republican party that would rather support putin 🤬

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