Habe diese Gottesanbeterin heute beim Mähen an einen sichereren Ort gebracht.

Von TheDadChef


  1. ViperGTS_MRE on

    Nice, we had a huge one on my back deck umbrella the other day, kids took a look and some pictures, but he/she relocated by themselves, thankfully

  2. That’s awesome! I always take a quick walk before mowing. Usually just a few snakes I need to put up for a min. I’ve always had a hard time forgiving myself if I hit one

  3. ViperGTS_MRE on

    Wow, you must have great eyesight to see this while mowing. We don’t get them very often here in CT, but they do show up.

    The only thing I almost mowed over was a baby blue Jay, good thing it was blue.

  4. Curious-Mulberry-699 on

    I saved a green one once and didn’t realize it had pincers. Ouch! But it just pinched a bit. I just wanted to move it to safety where it wouldn’t get stepped on. My father was a biology teacher and he introduced me to nature and taught me how everything serves a purpose. Praying mantises are great predators. Good for your garden too.

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