Von 1912 bis 2024 habe ich die Summe der potenziellen Zehnkampf-Punkte berechnet, die die Spezialisten in jedem Jahr erhalten hätten. Beispielsweise hätte Noah Lyles, der dieses Jahr die 100 m in 9,79 Sekunden gewonnen hätte, 1149 Punkte erhalten.

Von Complete-Macaron5433


  1. Complete-Macaron5433 on

    I got the data from Wikipedia and used Calc to calculate the scores and visualize it.

  2. Sooperfreak on

    The very un-beautiful thing about this presentation of data is your shortening of the Y-axis, which makes it look like decathletes are only half as good as specialists, whereas they are actually three quarters as good, which is pretty damned impressive.

  3. Complete-Macaron5433 on

    Damn, I spent hours collecting the data, re-calculating the updated decathlon points, only to find out that I messed up the y-axis. First post here, sorry about that

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