Wie kann die Trudeau-Regierung ihr Einwanderungschaos in den Griff bekommen? Drücken Sie „Zurückspulen“



  1. dingobangomango on

    Pressing rewind is putting it lightly. It’s becoming painfully obvious that the only appropriate remedy will be to carefully revert to the status quo of pre-pandemic levels. Unfortunately, the horses have left the barn.

    There will be immense pushback from the temporary immigrants themselves but also the pro-immigration progressives supporting them. We already saw PEI and the foreign students protesting to get their temporary visas extended, well… into something more permanent. I imagine if we’ll see the same with TFWs in other industries as well doing the same.

    All of that leaves a big question looming over our heads about enforcement. I don’t see any party being able to stomach the image of deporting a bunch of visa overstayers. We’ll likely see the NDP and perhaps even the LPC continue pushing for PR/pathways to citizenship, and another resurgence in the right wing.

    And if Skippy doesn’t deliver on his promises, well we’re back to step 1 again.

  2. Canonponcha on

    At this point, the LPC/NDP “alliance” have signalled that they are not interested in fixing the immigration mess. They seem to make it worse anytime they touch or mention it.

    It really will come down to PP and the CPC next year after the election. And if they don’t make significant reforms, they too will get punished in the polls and elections. Will they listen?

    If changes aren’t made, public opinion towards immigration will sour far more than we have seen. And this will cause a rise in awful attitudes towards immigrants. We’re already seeing this now. This is something we need to avoid with meaningful policy reform.

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