1. Reports on Monday, Aug. 5, indicate an elite Chinese special forces unit showed off a new drone designed to look like a bird during a shooting competition on Thursday, Aug. 1. The unit, similar U.S. Navy SEALs, had a commando display the new technology as he emerged from the water and released the drone from his hand.

    The drone is too small for any payload. However, its purpose is reportedly for covert reconnaissance. The biomimetic drone is meant to resemble a Eurasian Tree Sparrow and China’s military said that it can fly without being spotted by enemy radar.

    The idea of bird drones is also being experimented with in the United States. Although, the one in the U.S. is a “zombie bird drone,” and it is more for research purposes. Straight Arrow News reported on it as scientists used synthetic body parts fused with real pheasant heads and feathers to create robotic birds.

    While researchers said that the zombie pheasant was originally thought up to better observe nature up-close, there is the potential for it to be used by the U.S. military.

    A similar program was proposed during the Cold War. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reportedly pitched the idea of nuclear-powered drones disguised as birds to spy on the Russians. However, the idea never took off.

    Another Chinese company also unveiled a robotic fish for potential underwater surveillance in 2021.

  2. HoodedOccam on

    Pay attention to our bird drone. Ignore the one that looks like a fly.

  3. Jokes on China, USA has had CIA bird drones since the 1700s. Bird’s aren’t real.

  4. putinsdoorknob on

    Stealth drone technology and ideas are barely scratching the surface of what is possible. Bird drones, ha! Autonomous assassination drones that can loiter forever waiting for their target and go anywhere from anywhere – now that will be interesting. And is not far fetched, we have the technology to make something like that right now. I assume it will be awhile before they get through QA but you know how picky those assholes can be.

  5. “China does something unnecessary and releases more propaganda to hide what its country is actually doing.”

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